The Blue Jacket: A Lesson in Enjoying Life

How one conversation taught me the joys of slowing down and appreciating the little things


One of my favorite jobs was working as a development director for a nonprofit disability organization. Like most in the fundraising profession, I was pulled in a thousand different directions. On this particular day, my mind was racing thinking about my extensive to-do list. While walking into the front doors of the office, I was met by one of our clients. He was a soft-spoken, middle-aged man with a cognitive disability. He said “I like your jacket. What color is it?”

I returned the greeting and said that my jacket was blue. He wasn’t satisfied with my answer. He persisted and said, “But what color blue is it?”

By now he was following me down the hallway towards my office. I told him that maybe my jacket was baby blue. Nope. This answer was still not good enough. My mind was focused on what I needed to get done, and here I was in the hallway discussing the color of my jacket. We went into my office and I fired up my computer. I did a search for Shades of Blue. My screen filled up with an array of blue pantones.

Right away he got to work studying the colors. Back and forth he studied my jacket and then the computer. He pointed to the screen and with a matter-of-fact voice said, “This is the one. Your jacket is Periwinkle Blue.” He was satisfied and sauntered out the door without another word said.

Tammy Anderson wears the blue jacket that acts as a reminder for her to enjoy the small things in life

A Valuable Lesson in Living

I stood there and thought about what had just happened. Then it hit me like a train. Here I was flying through life. I was so busy that I was missing out on life. It took a client with a cognitive disability to teach me to stop, take a breath, and to appreciate all of the shades of blue. What a gift. So, who really had the cognitive disability?

This experience is a gift that I will never forget. My periwinkle blue coat is looking worn, but I don’t have the heart to get rid of it. This simple jacket is a reminder to slow down and enjoy life.